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Welcome! This website was created on 11 Apr 2008 and last updated on 05 Apr 2024.

There are 5158 names in this family tree.The webmaster of this site is Robyn Fulton. Please click here if you have any comments or feedback.
Welcome to my family
About Coles/Cox-Fulton/Smith/Hosking
My first recollection of genealogy was walking through a cemetery, with my  Grandmother reading headstones. (It ran in the family, many years later I found an  old headstone in my Great Aunt's front yard and no one knew what to do with it- so we  left it there).
 These were the days before www. when a quiet Sunday stroll turned into a live history  lesson and started my addiction to genealogy. My Grandmother died when I was 12 but  she left me a legacy she never dreamt of, the love of family and of trying to find  where we came from.

My real search started in the 1970's, but I was lucky many of my Cox family were  known to me even though they had been dead for many years.  G/grandfather, Uncle  Harry, Aunties Carrie, Kitty, Lily etc were all commonly spoken about. Ah, the days  before television when Sunday lunch was a big family affair and although children  only spoke when spoken to- we listened and learned. My Coles side was not as easy my  Grandfather- the connection, had died during the war, but still names were mentioned  and although cousins (my mother's generation) had gone their own ways when contact  was made, it was if time had stood still.

I dedicate this site to my Grandmother (Nellie Isabelle), my Great Aunt Io and 2nd  cousin Margaret Coles for them helping me on my voyage and leaving me such a vast  amount of knowledge.

To my husband John my thanks for your patience, understanding and love.

Genealogy is a frustrating hobby and I thank all my ancestors for allowing me a  little peek into your lives. To those of you that visit this site, don't just read -  enjoy, dream and please remember those that went before.

After you have refreshed your memory of our family I would be very grateful if you  would sign the guest book.



The COLES family has been extended, so many more than what we knew. Amazing really.  Proof and more information has come to light thanks to Russell and his UK visit. But  as with everything in genealogy it opens up a whole new can of worms in this case the  Adam/s family in Cannongate, Midlothian, Scotland.  At least I can't call  these "brick walls" they are twigs to put onto the tree for other people to find.

I have just added more info on the COLES family - Catherine Coles sister to my gg grandfather  Henry Boyde. This line has not been proved entirely but the coincidences are too many to ignore.  Catherine Coles arrived in Aust. in 1838 accompanied by a Mrs. Coles and a Miss Harriet Coles (the  1841 English census shows Elizabeth Coles, Henry and a Harriet Coles aged 8). Catherine married in  1842 to the convict Richard Evans their son John married the great niece of Henry Boyde. Catherine  and her husband moved to Victoria where the other Coles relatives lived. We know that the son of  Henry Boyde always stopped into Victoria when he travelled back to England and he met and married  his wife in Victoria.  Catherine's husband and the husband of Henry's niece worked the goldfields  together and finally Catherine's death certificate shows her mother as Elizabeth Coles formerly  Adams although the father's name and occupation were incorrect but Benjamin had died way back in  1815 when Catherine was only a small child so it is highly likely that the informant (her son) did  not know anything about his grandfather. One of her sons was named Henry possibly after her  brother that had helped raise her.
Thanks to DNA testing this line is now proved and at Christmas had the pleasure of meeting some of my new cousins.  Some still live on the property of "Coleslea" in Victoria.  
 I had always thought that any Irish research into my GEE family would be almost useless and was  resigned to accepting that my 3x G/grandmother would never have parents or siblings and the family  stories would be all we knew of them. Then amazingly I fell over a man in Canada researching a Gee  family from Waterford, Ireland.  There is no absolute proof at this time but the names, dates and  places all match. I have included it all on the tree and hopefully in time the proof will be found.

Of course this gives me hope that somewhere I will find information on her husband and the COX  family. 

My SKENE family, when will we genealogists learn to think outside the box. Iam as sure as I can be  that I have finally,  after many years connected my GGGgrandfather Arthur Skene with the rest of the very large Skene  Clan.
  For the full Skene tree go to 


A very special thank you to Ruth MacLure of Causewayend Farm, Fintray, Aberdeen.   Ruth lives on the farm where Latch (Skene family) was located and has been a great  help in finding and working out some of the connections with the Skenes.  Thanks also  to Ruth's children who are being dragged around cemeteries and they are not even  related.

I would like to add in here my heartfelt thanks to Phil Jenkinson for his wonderful  and gracious help on the HOSKING/FOSS family.  If only all my research could be as  easy.  Phil as us Aussies would say 'your bloods worth bottling' many,many thanks. My  thanks also to Tribal Pages for your wonderful site that allows so many of us from  different parts of the world to have contact.

Thanks also to the Modbury Historical Society for permission to use photos from the  Baker Collection and to Simon Lewis for permission to use photos of the Devon area  (www.westcountryviews.co.uk).

A special thank you goes to Barry and June Bullivant for their contribution to this  web site with the history of the Fulton family both the story and family tree.   Although my husband is not officially a Fulton I thought it was important that this  information should be made available to those of his family that are.                                ---------------------

ATTENTION: for those following the FOX/CROCKER line - there are a lot of discrepencies  in this line so I am leaving it for the moment whilst I follow up some leads to  hopefully rectify these problems.  The line seems to be  correct to Sir John Croker  (d1508) and Elizabeth Fortescue.

My latest venture is to look into my husbands SMITH family - don't laugh.  I had some clues e.g. knowing they came from a long line of John Smiths (oh dear) - but I succeeded and have managed to get them back to 1813.  Now all I have to do is convince other people that they are putting two(2) separate families together, not an easy job.

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